About KIDI


  • 2021. 10.08.

    Inauguration of Korea Island Development Institute

  • 2021. 09.08.

    Establishment of Korea Island Development Institute

  • 2021. 09.02.

    Designation of the first board of directors and the president of KIDI

  • 2021. 04.13.

    Finalization of KIDI venue. Mokpo, Jeollanamdo Province was
    selected through the public participation of local governments

  • 2021. 01.21.

    Formation and operation of the KIDI establishment committee

  • 2020. 12.01.

    Passing of amendment of 「Islands Development Promotion Act
    (Kor. 도서개발촉진법)」 at the plenary session

  • 2020. 09.08.

    Approval of alternatives at the plenary session hosted by the
    public administration and security committee

  • 2020. 09.02.

    Discussion on amendment of 「Islands Development Promotion Act
    (Kor. 섬 발전 촉진법)」 for the legal basis

  • 2019. 08.08.

    Prime Minister's announcement of the establishment
    of the institute on the 1st island day

  • 2018. 03.~

    Discussion on 「Measures for Island Development
    (Kor. 섬발전대책)」 chaired by Prime Minister

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